Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thoughts to Words

Well, its been a while since the last time I posted an entry upon the Crazy and Awake blog. I hope all zero of my readers did not get worried, for Bryan the Adventure is alive as ever.

Busy livin I would guess is the truth of my absence. It's weird that among all the chaos thats taking place right now, I am finding time to write a bit. I stumbled upon my own blog I must admit, through a vanity search on google. Turns out that just by typing in Bryan Weeks my photo is first through some people finder site and another comes up on the first page. Anyway, this is all unimportant, but then again so is this blog. But, it's still fun to play with.

I'm movin to Seattle Tuesday. Thats right tuesday.

I must admit my writing has gone down the shitter, it was never great, but readable. I haven't written anything since the last post so this is really just me blobbing words onto the computer.

Come to think about it this is all over the place, its quite possible that this is a good indication of how hectic everything in my head is right now. Thoughts don't occur in a linear fassion anyway and this is precicely my thoughts layed out in english. I heard that our deep thoughts, not the average surface thoughts, but the thoughts that creat those aren't in any language. It is more like a mental image that brings a memory which then forms the thought. Afther some time I began to realize that its true. I don't really feel like explaining it though.

I was recently asked if I think too much or not enough and it dawned on me that the too much/ too little debate is useless. I think that the real question should be 'Do I think that I take my thoughts too seriously or not?' Because we all think, thats inescapable. I think the difference is that some people take their thoughts way too seriously though. Take anger for example. If I am angry, the anger is just an emotion. A set of thoughts that leaves me feeling a specific feeling. Being angry is not necissarily the problem. Everyone on the planet has experienced anger, and surely will experience it again. Anger is an emotion jus as Happiness is an emotion. Something that is in my head, purely thought. Now, when people take this set of angry thoughts and think that its a serious matter that they need to figure something out, thats where the trouble begins. Thats when action follows. For me, when Angry, Sad, Anxious, or even Happy my attempt is to take the thoughts as thoughts, not as reality. For they are thoughts, but simple emotions, they are here now. But the Undeniable Unversial Fact is that this emotion, these thoughts will surely go away sometime... guranteed. They are infact like clouds. We can curse the clouds all we want because they block the sun, but that doesnt change the fact that the clouds exist. At some point though the sun will be shining bright in our lives again. Just as we can wish that clouds will never block the sun, yet the day will com when the clouds show up and once again and then the cursing begins. This may seem a silly comaprison but I think not. Anger is but thoughts, it is not a bad thing unless we tell ourselves that it is and act on it or try our hardest to get rid of it. It will go away all on its own, no need toying with it. Happiness is the same. Yes, it is much more pleasant than Anger or Saddness but it too will be overcome some day by the clouds of Anger or other emotions. The point is to accept thoughts as they come, stop trying to force them out or keep them in. Any attempt at such is in vain.

AHHH! That was fun! I'm done for now.
Remember; This is all just my thoughts written down. Please don't take me too seriously. Believe me, I sure as hell don't!

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